For a couple years now RCK Productions has been shooting with Schodorf Media Creative on a documentary about poverty in Chicago and the rise and fall of public housing. The road has been long, but as we finalize the trailer and finish up the last few interviews the project seems to be taking some great shape.  


The typical interview set up is quick and minimal since the crew is not as big and we are operating on a shoe string budget. Most interviews have been shot with two cameras, a canon c200 and a c100. We key with a diva 400 and edge with a diva 200. The 3x3 ultra bounce acts as either a fill or negative fill depending on the space. An arri light kit has been utilized for background lights shaping the space more than the talent. 



Locations for all interviews have varied from art galleries, to law libraries, to individuals residents. The goal is always the same; to make each interview look great and relevant to the overall film.  
